Uranus, the Great Awakener,
entered my 7th house cusp in 27 degrees Aries from late May 2017 and moved into
Taurus sign from May 2018 (I have Aries in the beginning of the cusp for 3
degrees and the rest is occupied by Taurus). By now I have survived more than 2
years of Uranus transit in my 7th house 💪and I wanted to share my
experience and lessons I have learnt so far.
The 7th House in astrology is
known to rule our relationships, our partners and how we relate to others. Thus,
it includes marriage, committed relationships, business partnerships, career
bonds and also the open enemies. Another area ruled by 7th house is lawsuits, legal
issues, contracts, agreements, attorney and agents. Therefore, it can also be
said that it rules every type of relationships we have with other people which
is of give and take nature and can be governed by constitution or regulated by some
form of law.
On the other hand, Uranus is all
about individuality. Being a rule breaker even in its physical properties,
Uranus brings change to status quo allowing us to see things and most
importantly ourselves beyond what we thought of as the end point of possibilities. As described by late Donna Cunningham in her
book "An Astrological Guide to Self-Awareness" ........ Uranus seems connected with breaks. Under Uranus transits couples
may "break up". Some people have "break downs" -- which are
not always mentally unhealthy when they cause us to "break away" from
or change situations that are destructive. Teenagers "break out" in
pimples --all skin conditions metaphysically represent an identity problem --
and Uranus has to do with the search for one's individuality. Not all breaks
are negative. When creative "accidents" and discoveries occur, we
call it a "break through" or a "lucky break".....
Often Uranus has been associated
with divorces as well sudden marriage when transiting through 7th house by many
astrologers. As Uranus walked into my 7th house, my 'together-all-the-time'
relationship suddenly became a long distance relationship with me moving to
another town for job while my partner moved to another continent for studies.
The change was not only limited to location. Our way of communication became more
individualistic and we were unable to feel connected to other person's reality
although we tried a lot to be very understanding. The usual way of interaction
was not working. For me, not acknowledging the problem was the most
uncomfortable situation as we were not being true to ourselves. I felt a huge
push from inside to bring everything out on the table and do the tough talk to
find a way out. But I guess we were not in the same page. So I had to let go of
it and somehow this act of letting go gave me a sense of liberation. It was very
painful yet relieving. Relieving because I learnt more about my true self and
what I seek in relationship. It was about being bold enough to speak up of my
needs and expectation rather than just waiting for things to change on its
Apart from the tragedy, I also
experienced arrival and departure of a lot of new potential partners, friends
and groups out of blue. Many people have expressed that new people disappeared
as suddenly as they appeared during this transit. But I feel that Uranus brings
out aspects of self never previously expressed increasing our self-awareness. This
enables us to recognize easily who stays and who leaves. And those who are able
to help us experience deeper values within ourselves find a permanent place in
our heart. I can tell this from my current relationship that is showing
different parts of my emotions that I thought never existed for me, both the good and the bad ones. Talking about my current relationship, it has a Uranus touch to it ofcourse. Even though we are deeply committed, we don't get to be together much of the time because of external factors. And this relationship built
during the transit was tested at multiple levels especially while Uranus retrograded (I
don’t know why Uranus is never regarded as a teacher….). The first retrograde in 2018 pushed me to bring out my growing needs from this relationship. So we
had to take life changing decisions. Oh..and the second one was much more painful!!
In the second retrograde of 2019, there were dramatic changes in situation out of
nowhere. It appeared to be the end of the best relationship I had ever had. But
we survived. How?? We decided to delve deeper into what was true to our souls
and look for better ways to achieve them. And now I clearly see the pattern.
When Uranus is direct, it offers us new and exciting opportunities where we are
asked to express our inner colors no matter how unconventional whereas during
retrograde it demands us to be open minded to others' individuality and to
create space for their antics. When planets retrograde, the cosmic energy turns inward. It's actually a good opportunity to do introspection and reflect on what's going on.
Uranus is the natural ruler of
11th house matters. So during this transit, a lot of platonic relationships are
also emerging in my life. I am also working together with younger people as
Uranus also deals with issues of adolescents and young adults. And I am happy
to learn new ideas through these partnerships. Apart from this, I also
experienced a sudden change in living space. (Most probably this has to do with
some aspect of Uranus to my home sector.) Suddenly, I was requested by my
landlord to clear the space. I was very uncomfortable at first but later I
realized it was for my own good. Now I have better internet, electricity and
sunlight at cheaper rate. 😏 Since Uranus is transiting in Taurus,
the matters of money and security is also becoming a major theme in my life. I
am becoming more interested in new technology and relying more on digital
methods of money transactions.
So far, this is the summary of my
experience of this ongoing transit. I surely will post additional blog to this
one as I have a long way to go. Wish me luck.
If you are interested in reading more about Uranus transits, here is an article
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